Sunday, October 16, 2016

Freeze Your Fat

One member of the most famous annoying Valley family* tried to sue the people behind the billboard.  They alleged that it looked too much like one of them.  Anything for publicity.  Most people in The Valley wish they'd move.  In fact, probably most people on Earth feel the same.

* Actual name avoided.  I don't want to play into their stupid game.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Mosaic on Van Nuys Blvd

The building probably doesn't have long to live.   Hope they can save the mosaic.  I'm only presenting a portion of it as I didn't want to go into the middle of the street for a wider view.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Idle Hour - Our Very Own Restored Barrell

The building sat derelict for many year until it was restored and turned into a gastropub.    We need more of this kind of thing.